Pinned Messages 2.0, Improved Live Locations, Playlists and More

Starting today you can pin several messages in every chat, get notified when friends get near if they are sharing their Live Location, send music as Playlists, and more.

Multiple Pinned Messages

Each chat now supports multiple pinned messages. To jump between them, simply tap the top bar several times – or use the new button to see all pinned messages on a separate page.

In addition to channels and groups, pinned messages now work in one-on-one chats.

Improved Live Locations

When friends share their live location, you can set up an alert that will notify you when they're close. Icons on the live location map also show which direction people are facing.


When you send multiple songs at once, they'll be arranged together in a playlist – easier to play, forward, or comment on. Opening one of the songs will queue them all up in Telegram's built-in media player.

Playlist sent to a chat

Sending multiple files together also displays them in one chat bubble. Just like with photo albums, you can always select each file or track individually.

Channel Post Stats

Comments have boosted subscriber activity in channels, and now we're introducing new tools for admins to track it. In addition to channel statistics, you can view stats for individual posts in your channel – including a list of public channels to which your post was forwarded.

Channel post stats page

New Animations on Android

Our Android developers added new animations for sending messages and switching songs in the music player.

Also on Android: when viewing a photo you’ve received, you can edit and send it back right away, instead of downloading and uploading it again. Just tap the brush button when viewing a photo to quickly draw or put stickers on it.


Send 🎰 to any chat to see if you hit the jackpot.

In case you missed it, this also works for 🎲, 🏀, ⚽️ and 🎯.

And More Animated Emoji

We've animated some new emoji for Halloween. To get one of these 👇 in a chat, simply send a message with a single emoji. When viewing animated emoji in chats, try tapping on ⚰️ or 🎃 for a surprise.

If you are not a fan of Halloween, we've got another new animated emoji for you:

How to Get This Update

The new version with these features is already available for all our Android users via Google Play or APK. If you're on iOS, you'll get the update as soon as either a) Apple finishes reviewing it OR b) you decide it's time to switch to Android. 👀 UPD: (October, 31) The iOS part of the update has now also been approved.

And that's it for today, stay tuned for the next update!

October 30, 2020
The Telegram Team

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